Thursday, September 12, 2024

China (Post Covid Overseas Visit No 10 - My 9 days 7 Nights Package Tour to Inner Mongolia) Aug 29 > Sept 6 2024 Day 2 (Aug 30)

Genghis Khan Tourist Area
 Ordos, Inner Mongolia
Kangbashi New Area Grassland
Love Square, Inner Mongolia 
Buddhist Culture Museum,
Yihe Ecological Culture Park, Ordos
Inner Mongolia
Air Balloon Camp Site
Ordos, Inner Mongolia 

Confidence Day 2 itinerary quotes " Kangbashi New Area Grassland Love Square / Yihe Ecological Culture Park / Genghis Khan Tourist Area. Kangbashi New Area Grassland Love Square - which is designed with the theme "Song of the Grassland" & showcases the unique natural & cultural landscapes of Ordos "  

Day 2 Friday August 30 2024 - my 1st glimpse of Ordos City (06.30 > 07.00) prior to breakfast, exciting days ahead for our tour group to see & explore the various touristy places in Ordos, Kangbashi District, Baotou & Hohhot in Inner Mongolia; today our group visited the Genghis Khan Tourist Area, Kangbashi New Area Grassland Love Square, Yihe Ecological Culture Park & Air Balloon Camp Site. A great start !  

Travel itinerary: Ordos City > Genghis Khan Mausoleum Tourist Area > Kangbashi District > Inner Mongolian Buddhist Culture Museum (approx 90km one way) 

1) Our tour bus carrying a banner " Warm Welcome Malaysia - Ordos Chartered Flight Group" !  A thumb up for Malaysia ! Malaysia-boleh !  

2) Residential & Commercial buildings nearby our hotel in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia. 

3) Hotel buffet breakfast (No 1), Ordos, Inner Mongolia - for the next 7-8 days, our tour group will have to eat in comfort the various Mongolian style hotel buffet breakfast in our respective hotels where our group stay throughout the package tour visits in Inner Mongolia. Happy eating but monitor / watch your cholesterol level daily & stay healthy ! No doubt, by the end of this package tour (after 9 days), some of our tour members would have added a few hundred grams in their body weight ! The fat "cats" becomes fatter & a few of the skinny "cats" may lose weight (like me) due to the lack of sleep (daily early morning calls & late hotel check-ins) ! 

4) Urban & suburban scenery of Ordos City as viewed from a moving tour bus tinted windows. 

5) Genghis Khan Tourist Area, Ordos, Inner Mongolia - a big complex with large area of statutes, not sure our group managed to see all  the exhibits as I understand the Museum Complex has a great display of paintings & artifacts following Genghis Khan's life history ! 

6) Court Palace-yurt of Genghis Khan, Ordos, Inner Mongolia - the Khiyad tribe of Genghis Khan descended from a noble Mongolian linage, known in history as "Golden Family". During military campaigns Genghis Khan was always escorted by members of the golden family. The descendants of Genghis Khan inherited the fine traditions of such family and eventually founded the Yuan dynasty ! 

8) An impressive display of old Kweichow Moutai wine (baijiu with an alcohol strength of 53%) on the ground floor of Lang Jing Hotel, Kangbashi District, Ordos, Inner Mongolia; if you are not a seasoned alcohol drinker & after a few arounds of Moutai wine, you will probably ended up walking like a "mud crab" or losing your sense of balance or talking nonsense most of the times ! No harm trying one sip when you are given the opportunity to toast with your travel buddies when in China ! 

9) Our tour group's lunch (No 1) in a restaurant in Lang Jing Hotel, Kangbashi District, Ordos, Inner Mongolia - 8 or 9 course Chinese dishes (Mongolian-style) to satisfy your taste bud ! For the next 6-7 days, you will probably have this sort of standard food menu as your lunch or dinner - so do not complaint or indulged in cherry picking but just eat & eat on whatever food been placed on the table ! So happy eating in such a nice & cosy ambience / setting comes every lunch or dinner time ! 

10) Kangbashi New Area Grassland Love Square, Inner Mongolia - hot & warm at the time of our visit, UV radiation at the highest level for this early afternoon visit ! So hat on for all your photography shooting in this Love Square ! Hate the UV radiation but loved the Love Square surrounding ! 

11) Kangbashi District, Inner Mongolia - this area is very near to the Ordos International Airport - maybe good for a night stay (arrival or final night) here for your future visit to Ordos, Inner Mongolia ! 

12) The Inner Mongolian Buddhist Culture MuseumYihe Ecological Culture Park, Kangbashi District, Inner Mongolia - impressive Tibetan style buildings ! No photography inside the Mongolian Buddhist Culture Museum. 

11) Air Balloon Camp Site, Ordos, Inner Mongolia - a thrilling air balloon ride (5 to 10 minutes); complimentary, a freebie for all our tour members ! A low level air balloon ride, certainly not the Turkish style of hot air balloon ride roaming the open air on a higher altitude ! 

12) Starry starry night in Ordos City, Inner Mongolia ! Since when Ordos has shed off the "Ghost City" image ? 

13) Our tour group's dinner (No 1) in Huaer Nation Hotel, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia - AI robot serving food to banquet room in action ! No rush, plenty of food (merry go round) for our table of 11 ! Enjoy eating since this is our 1st dinner meal in Ordos, Inner Mongolia !    

14) Local tour guide brought us to this minimarket to buy finger food, snacks, instant noodles or breads for our outstation visit to Ordos Grassland on Day 3 (dinner not included) as some of our members have signed up for a Zhama Banquet dinner (optional tour of Rmb480 = US$108), a big feast indeed - emperor or royal style of eating comes with entertainment, classical music & traditional dance performances  ! 

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