Wednesday, September 11, 2024

China (Post Covid Overseas Visit No 10 - My 9 days 7 Nights Package Tour to Inner Mongolia) Aug 29 > Sept 6 2024 Day 4 Part 2 (Sept 1)

Junwang Mansion, Ordos
Inner Mongolia
Ordos Culture Industrial Park
Inner Mongolia

Day 4 Sunday Sept 1 2024 (cont'd, Part 2) - after the Nadam horse folk show show in Ordos Grassland (a recommended optional tour), our tour group's next visit is ancient Junwang Mansion follows by the Ordos Cultural Industrial Park. 

Travel itinerary: Ordos Grassland > Junwang Mansion, Aletengxirezhen > Ordos Cultural Industrial Park > Ordos City (approx 135km) 

1) A local theme park located adjacent to the ancient Junwang Mansion, Ordos, Inner Mongolia. Just passing by, external visit only ! 

2) Junwang Mansion, Ordos, Inner Mongolia - an ancient building in Aletengxire Town, it is the only complete Prince Mansion that exists in the Seven Banners in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, this Tibetan / Han style mansion & courtyard were built during the Qing dynasty reflecting the ancient architectural art of the Chinese nation.   

3) Ordos Cultural Industrial Park, Inner Mongolia - a 4A tourist attraction area, a series of horse statutes & cultural custom sculptors lining & greeting visitors on both sides of the main road leading to the Park's entrance, inside there is a big square & in the centre square, lies a large ancient Yuan dynasty style bronze ware; a cultural & art exhibition hall, the main gate & palace complex were built in Yuan dynasty style of architecture, there was a classical performance at the time of my visit !  

4) Front entrance, central square & giant bronze ware, Ordos Culture Park, Inner Mongolia 

5) A Yuan dynasty (1271 > 1368) Mongolian style imperial palace complex, Ordos Culture Park, Inner Mongolia 

6) Main Exhibition Hall, Ordos Culture Park, Inner Mongolia 

7) Yuan dynasty (1271 > 1368) classical & musical performance in Ordos Culture Park, Inner Mongolia (17.00) - right timing & right place at the time of my visit ! 

8) Our tour group's dinner in  a hotel restaurant, Ordos, Inner Mongolia 

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