Tuesday, September 10, 2024

China (Post Covid Overseas Visit No 10 - My 9 days 7 Nights Package Tour to Inner Mongolia) Aug 29 > Sept 6 2024 Day 5 (Sept 2)

Confidence Day 5 itinerary quotes " Whistling Dune Bay (includes cable car + riding camel experience). Whistling Dune Bay is known for its rolling sand dunes that produces a pleasant echoing sound in the wind. This distinctive desert landscape showcases the charm of the desert with its unique sand grains & the effects of the wind ".  

Day 5 Monday Sept 2 2024 - an exciting full day trip to Whistling Dune Bay, Ordos for our tour members, an optional tour (Rmb280 = US$63) awaiting for those who like to visit Xiansha Island (highly recommended by our local tour guide) offering  various entertainment activities on site ie (Sand Sea Yacht / Rail Bike / Polaris ATV / Camel Riding / Guolao Theater "Legend of Guolao" / Top of the Sound / Fairy Coaster / Hump Coaster etc); however, my wife & myself (both of us feared of taking roller coaster rides !) decided to opt out of this optional tour & both of us devoted our time mainly in the Whistling Dune Bay Scenic Area + a camel ride ! 

Travel itinerary: Ordos City > Whistling Tune Bay (via Cable Car) > Ordos City (approx 194km).

1) Our group's hotel buffet breakfast (No 4) in Ordos, Inner Mongolia 

2) Bought bread & mooncakes @Rmb3.60 (US$0.80) from a mini market nearby our hotel in Ordos city.  

3) Whistling Dune Bay, Ordos - arriving at the Whistling Dune Bay Car Park & Cable Car Station, Ordos, Inner Mongolia. 

4) Cable Car Ride to Whistling Dune Bay Scenic Area, Ordos, Inner Mongolia; am I in Genting Highlands, Pahang (Malaysia) cable car station ? 

5) Whistling Dune Bay Scenic Area (also known as Xiangshawan Port), Ordos, Inner Mongolia - a short walk !  

6) Sand Sliding, Whistling Dune Bay, Ordos, Inner Mongolia - only a few of our tour members participated, not my cup of tea ! 

7) Amphibious Vehicle - providing public transport services to various areas within the Whistling Dune Bay Scenic Area.  

8) Dessert Lotus Hotel (Liansha Resort Island), Liansha Island, Ordos, Inner Mongolia - completed in March 2013, the 1st dessert hotel in China, current indicative room tariff for a double bed room is Rm2,077 (US$466) includes 2 breakfasts for mid-Oct 2024 online booking.  

9) Xiangshawan Port, Inner Mongolia - no dull moment, rest & recreation, small eats, camel riding, sand sliding, admiring the blue sky & white clouds, outdoor wedding photography poses (how I wish I am the bridegroom with my wife as my bride taking a number of wedding poses on this very day in Xiangshawan !), enjoying the wind breeze, sand dune uphill walk etc 

10) Small Eat, Rest & Recreation Area, Xiangshawan Port. Ordos, Inner Mongolia - be prepared to pay for higher prices of food served here !  

11) Camel Riding - both my wife & myself took a camel ride (complimentary, 15 minutes), my first camel ride in China ! 

12) Sand Dunes & the surrounding, Whistling Dune Bay, Ordos - spectacular views !

13) Blue Sky White Clouds (Mongolia - Land of Blue Sky) - how not to be a blue-eyed boy loitering in the midst of the Whistling Dune Bay, Ordos Desert, Inner Mongolia ! 

14) Lunch box (chicken, vegetable & rice) for this dessert outing for my wife & myself - light & simple meal of the day ! Restaurant food here is pricey hence our package tour opted for this lunch box meal; but in the evening, our tour group was rewarded & taken to a delicious seafood steam food dinner in a well know restaurant in Ordos ! Yummy yummy food of the night ! 

15) 19 of our tour members (except me & my wife) took the optional tour (Rmb280 = US$63) to Xiansha Island, Ordos Grassland for participating in a number of entertainment games, acrobatic show & roller coaster fun ride activities (theme park style) + camel ride; pictures contributed by our chat group. Needless to say, all our tour members had a jolly good times in Xiansha Island !   

16) Return Cable Car Ride after spending almost 5-6 hours in the Xiangshawan Scenic Area ! No regret for showing up in this dessert charming place in Inner Mongolia !

17) Our tour group's steamboat dinner in Chuan Liu Xiang restaurant, Ordos, Inner Mongolia - free flow of meat, seafood, fresh fruit & vegetables, ice cream, yogurt, drinks & beverages etc for all hungry Mongolians & overseas tourists - the right place at the right time for gluttons !  

16) After a full day Ordos Dessert visit & a delicious steamboat dinner, I dozed off earlier for a deep & peaceful slumber ! Good Night, everybody ! 

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