A great start on Day One after a 6 hrs flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Kansai International Airport
1) Our tour bus driven by an experienced Japanese driver carrying 26 of our tour members to the various touristy places as stipulated in Parlo's Japan Alps & Central Honsu tour brochure covering the next seven days
2) Highway Rest & Recreation Stop at Kusatsu - time to head for the washrooms after a 2 hrs bus drive from Kansai, took some interesting pictures at this highway stop
Nagahama is a city located in Shiga Prefecture, on the northeastern shore of Lake Biwa.
3) Nagahama Royal Hotel - Online Agoda booking (April 2017) indicative room tariff Rm700 = US$159 for a twin bed room
3) Nagahama Royal Hotel - Online Agoda booking (April 2017) indicative room tariff Rm700 = US$159 for a twin bed room
4) Lake Biwa, Nagahama-jo Castle, Cultural Museum & a garden nearby Nagahama Royal Hotel - A resort hotel that stands on the shores of Lake Biwa - taking a morning walk to breath some fresh air nearby our hotel prior to breakfast !
5) Day 1 - our tour group first Japanese set dinner at Nagahama Royal Hotel - a yummy meal !
My first Onsen bath at Naghama Royal Hotel - after the dinner and a short rest, I went for an Onsen bath - very refreshing indeed after the Onsen ! Go for it if you have not experienced Onsen, don't be shy !
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