Hostel Accommodation (1 night): HI Niagara Falls, Canada (CAD46.61 - Dorm Bed)
1) Border crossing (by foot) from the U.S Custom & Protection Check Point via Niagara Falls Bridge, USA side to Canada Immigration check point

2) Sceneries of Niagara Falls as viewed from the Niagara Falls Bridge during the border crossings by foot between the US & Canada Immigration check points
3) Niagara Falls, Canada - as viewed from downtown Canadian side.
4) The Oldtown of Niagara Falls - a cowboy town, pretty quiet during the weekend !
5) Visit to downtown Niagara Falls, Canada (near Victoria Avenue) - a mini Las Vegas in the making ! I am still chasing my American dreams, hopefully to visit the West Coast of USA & Canada targeting Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, San Diego, Seattle & Vancouver in the near future ! But I need a strong mental, physical & spiritual strength to accomplish this ambition - an once in a lifetime visit to see the West Coast of USA / Canada for an oldie like me ! Free & easy traveling is not a bed of roses for all, but very challenging and the outcome is always a "delicious" one ! You reap what you sow ! No short cut in planning & this calls for active participations & contributions if you have travel buddies travelling along with you. Always sitting on the sidelines and looking forward to take a free ride on a gravy train do not bring up the best of a person in the world of travelling ! Selfish thinking, narrow minded, ugly behaviors, poor time management, not truthful & down to earth to your fellow travel buddies & close friends will eventually spoil the broth & the outcome will be a miserable one. This explains why many backpackers out there are solo travelers - I admire their courage & guts as they carry with them an open mind to pursue their travel dreams !
Canada is the No 80th country I visited after my retirement. This was made possible over a span of 13 years, travelling intermittently from time to time (being a family man) to various countries & continents (except South & Central America). This morning, as soon as my passport was processed at the Canadian Immigration check point and stepped on the Canadian soil, I was in Cloud 9 as I have finally achieved my travel dreams of visiting 80 countries before I celebrate my 70th birthday in May 2020 ! If I could visit 100 countries in this life of mine (20 more to go - not sure this is possible for me but I always keep my spirits high in travelling) - keep moving KM, the world is your oyster - just simply adopt this Can Do attitude & with self discipline & proper planning, you will be closer to achieving your travel goals ! If eventually I am able to achieve to visit the No 100th country, I will celebrate with a can of 100 Plus drink (I am not an alcoholic drinker nor I smoke) with whoever present in that 100th country - a wild dream indeed !
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